A Lovely Christmas Thought
My faith in humanity has been resurrected, just in time for the holiday season.
I have recently been the witness of utter sublime beauty manifested in a few simple yet wholly disarming words of unselfconscious affection. It is a rare occasion in today's age to participate in such unqualified devotion between two men of an entirely platonic & heterosexual nature, yet completely devoid of phobia.
I was so taken aback by the love and joy infused in that simple Christmas card, of which I speak, that I had to reproduce it here for all to see. The names have been altered to protect the identities of the participants, not from shame, mind you, but for the sake of privacy and out of respect for our relationship.
I want to thank you for having done so much to confirm my low opinion of Canadians. It’s my fervent hope that 2005 will see the utter destruction of your country by various plagues, two-headed frogs, and an immense stampede of satanic goats. America will not be safe until Canada has been reduced to a smoking crater. A crater reeking of goat dung.
Marie Bonlecher
p.s. Merry Christmas
And to my beautiful friend Marie,
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a beautiful New Year full of joy and contentment.
Posted by Yvette deCinqfrancamour