Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hello Mac!

Gasp! The unthinkable has happened.

I have crossed over into the world of the Mac user. I'd been considering buying a new laptop for several months. Last week my old notebook decided to help me in the decision making process. As the screen flickered and dimmed with gaining regularity I started thinking more seriously about what to do next.

Well, with the help of a friend of mine, and admitted long time Mac user, I came home Saturday night from Yongsan electronics market here in Seoul with a new MacBook, white. My friend reassured me, "...once you go Mac you don't go back." I gave a nervous laugh as I looked down at the briefcase-like box dangling from my hand. It isn't easy making a big purchase. Although many swear by the quality, design, and functionality of Macs, it is still an unknown quantity as far as I'm concerned, a lifetime PC addict.

The first couple of days were touch and go. It's a lovely beast, but I've had to relearn everything. It feels like the first time I ever touched a computer many years ago. Frustrating. But like an innocent baby looking up at you after knocking over a vase, unable to fathom your anger, you simply smile, explain his transgression, and move on, comforted by the disarming nature of innocence.

It is a lovely creature. And for Won 1,190,000 not bad (the store price was the same as the online price at the .co.kr site.

That's all for now. Nursing a cold and I need some rest. I think I caught a virus from my old notebook. The stress has been overwhelming.

Posted by Anonymous


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